
Josh MacPherson
Head Instructor at TST Prep


The Duolingo English Test (DET) is now recognized by institutions globally as a valid test of your English proficiency level, on the same level as legacy tests like the IELTS and TOEFL.

While the DET seems a bit easier, it can still be stressful, especially when you encounter the Speaking Sample question, where you must speak for at least 90 seconds to a random question. 

But don’t worry… 

By the end of this short article, you will know exactly how to speak and score high on test day. 


If you just want to try some free practice, check out this free example here.


Duolingo Speaking Sample - Everything You Need to Know

Speaking Sample questions are similar to Read, Then Speak. You will be given a written prompt and asked to speak about the topic for 1 to 3 minutes. This task tests your speaking skills, including pronunciation, fluency, and the ability to organize and express your thoughts clearly.


Preparation Time

You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response before speaking. Take your time to relax and organize your thoughts.

Question Frequency

Expect only one Speaking Sample question per test, usually towards the end of the exam

Speaking Time

You must speak for a minimum of 60 seconds and a maximum of 180 seconds. Aim for at least 90 seconds if you wish to earn a higher score.

Clear and Confident Speech

Speak in a loud, clear, and confident voice. Do not let poor recording quality interfere with earning a higher grade.

Similar to Read, Then Speak

Remember, the question format and approach is very similar to the Read, Then Speak question type

Check the example below:

Talk about a gift that you gave to a loved one.
  • What was it?
  • Who did you give it to?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • Why did you give this particular gift to this person?
I have given a bunch of gifts over the years, but one that stands out in my mind is the Nintendo Switch I bought my 5-year-old son for Christmas last year. Not only did I buy him a Switch, but I also bought him a few extra remotes so he can play with his sister and his friends. I even picked up a handful of games like Mario Party and Animal Crossing. I will never forget the smile on his face when he tore open the wrapping paper and saw what we had bought for him. Even though he was happy, I had mixed feelings about the gift. You see, my son is only five and I thought he might be too young for video games. I didn’t want him to miss out on all the fun he could have playing outside with his friends. However, COVID happened and like the rest of the world, we were forced to spend the majority of our time inside, so it made sense to buy him a game console. He still loves to play outside so, in the end, it seems like it wasn’t such a bad present after all.

Duolingo Speaking Sample - Quick Tips

Duolingo Speaking Sample - Question Types

Duolingo Speaking Sample - How to Practice

Use DET Practice Questions:

Your first stop for reliable practice questions should be the official Duolingo English Test website. After that, a close second is TST Prep, in my humble opinion (haha). 

Record and Analyze:

Practice speaking with a voice recorder and listen back to your responses. This is crucial. It will help you assess your fluency, pronunciation, and vocabulary.

Self-Grading Checklist:

Use a checklist based on the DET grading criteria to evaluate your performance (see the checklist below).

Grading Criteria

While the Official Guide to the Duolingo English Test doesn’t include much information about the grading criteria, there are a few things you should consider when delivering your speaking response.
  • Grammatical Accuracy: Use correct grammar and sentence structure throughout your response.
  • Grammatical Complexity: Try to use a range of grammatical structures, in other words, do not keep everything in the simple present or simple past tense.
  • Advanced Vocabulary: Try to use advanced vocabulary while sounding natural. For example, instead of saying “I think” you could say “I truly believe”. It might be strange and a bit too advanced if you said “In my esteemed estimation.” No one talks like that. 
  • Diverse Vocabulary: Avoid repeating the same words or phrases. Showcase a wide range of vocabulary. Including a personal example is an easy way to do that. 
  • Task Relevance: I can’t say it enough, answer ALL the questions. There are usually multiple questions within a single prompt.
  • Pronunciation and Pace: Pronounce words clearly and naturally. Speak at a pace that is comfortable and easy to understand.

Self-Grading Checklist

If you are studying on your own, this checklist will help.

Record your voice, listen back, and use these questions to help you identify weaknesses and improve your fluency for test day.

Additional Tips and Resources

  • Be Yourself: Try to relax and speak naturally, as if you were talking with a friend on the phone. 
  • Remember Common Topics: The DET speaking and writing questions will often ask about travel, education, personal experience, and the impact of technology. Practice with some of these types of questions before test day.
  • Speech to Text: Practice speaking and transcribing your response with sites like Otter. At TST Prep, most of our speaking sample questions include speech-to-text as well.


The Duolingo Speaking Sample questions are tough, but you can do it. 

Now you know what type of Speaking Sample questions to expect on test day how to organize your response and how to use a self-grading checklist to help you improve the quality of your response. 

Practice regularly and don’t be shy to record your voice. I know you hate the sound of your own voice. We all do! Get over it if you want to score high on test day.  

Do you have any more tips for this question type? Share in the comments below and help us all improve 🙂